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Writer's Prep for 90

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9th Week - The Purpose of Finishing

Here is a great article that tells you why writing a book makes you important. It's a challenge that will develop you as a person. It isn't easy to write. It takes a lot of work, but the accomplishment is like nothing else. Try it! I have developed a proven method for writing a book in 90 Days, 10 Days or in 1 Sitting. To learn more purchase one of my books on writing efficiently and effectively. Why Writing a Book Makes You a Badass

7th Week - Evaluate Your Progress

It's the 7th Week! An you are more than half-way there. 12 Weeks is the total time to write your book. It's time to evaluate your progress. How far have you come? How far do you have left you go? Do not let progress slide. Follow through and feel how good it feels to have accomplished your writer's goal! If you are half-way through with your goal, you are right on track. If not, you still have time to meet your overall objective. If you are not half way towards your goal, and your progress is waning, you are never going to make your goal. Be sure to meet your goal no matter what! Your book, your words, what you have to say is all worth it. Take a moment to write out all of your accomplishments. Then write-out everything that is still left. Draw up a calendar and map it. Take the time to plan and do this. It doesn't matter if it takes you four hours. Set aside the time to evaluate your progress. Then reward yourself with something that reminds you of y...

6th Week - Check-In with Your Goals

It is very easy to lose ambition at this point. You have probably devoted a lot of time to starting your writing, yet the other responsibilities are piling up. You think you can skip a few days and your project won't notice. This is untrue. Every step you take makes a difference. You can never recover missed time. Every step provides a use, even when your document crashes and you lose your content. Having good habits can make you efficient, but all writing requires a strong time commitment. This next week’s challenge is to reorganize your project and approach to be more efficient. Take time to rest a little and trust that you will accomplish your goal you originally set out to accomplish, but then go for it. All great writer's take a break from their project, however, find ways to make progress even if you are not working directly on your manuscript. If you have found you've lost ambition, scale back your daily goal and give yourself permission to partake in a fraction ...

5th Week - Communication Platforms

Communicating about your book and getting your message out takes time and energy just like writing your book did. It takes consistency and diligence in seeking the right platforms for advertising and marketing. Come up with a list of places you would like to promote your book and other platforms. Include podcasts, bookstores, blogs, television programs. Write a presentation about your book and practice it. Come up with as many pre-organized platforms you can think of to help you in the ease of your marketing. Below is one example of how authors use media to promote themselves. Example: Example: Example:!/ Example: Example: Example:

4th Week - Book Reviews

What are people saying about your book? Book reviews are the highest compliment you can give an author. This week, write out the book reviews you hope to receive. Include testimonials you would like to hear people say about you and your writing. Place these testimonials prominently in your writing area. Let them serve as a reminder of why you're writing and what you hope to accomplish by exerting all this effort.